From September 29 to October 2, 2012, in Junik, training for preparation of traditional food was held. More than 20 girls and women participated on the training organized in cooperation with Women Association Rrnja.
On the program or the menu of the training were several traditional dishes.
The meals preparation was under guidance of experienced members of the Association Rrnja, Mirishane Krasniqi and Ganimete Jasiqi. Together with the interested girls they have shared their recipes, and then practically demonstrated how to prepare some of the dishes.
"I’m already preparing traditional food" said Elida Shala, 18 year old girl from Junik, "my mother is my first teacher in these skills," she adds with a smile. "However, on this training I had opportunity to learn something new and I believe that I can use it", she said, adding that the preparation of traditional foods is not difficult for her. For Suhone Cocaj from Decani this is not first experience too. "I like training although more of the meals that are part of traditional menus I've prepared. Today I learned to do 'tespishte' I did not prepared it until now", she said, adding that most of the girls in this region have some experience in the preparation of traditional dishes. "Part of the tradition is, among other things, to know how to prepare these dishes before they married", said Suhone. "I like our traditional cuisine, I would like to prepare and I want to try," said with a smile Shemsije Hodza member of the Association Rrnja and adds, "of course, in recent times this can be seen as a business so we offer traditional dishes to the companies and institutions that need it when organizing some events", she says.
Husnie Ajetaj from Istog has no opportunity to prepare traditional food until now. "My mother was an old woman, and there was no one to teach me", she says and adds that the training is a great opportunity to make up this. "I want the girls to learn new things, it makes them more qualified and enhances their opportunities to find job", said Mevlide Ahmetaj, president of the Association for Emancipation of the Women from Istog. "Two girls, thanks to the courses conducted by the Association succeed to employ", she says and adds that there are many girls and women who would be interested in such training.
For the girls it was interesting experience of group learning and practicing traditional cuisine. They were handling great in the preparation and in setting up the table.