On December 8, 2011, in Emerald Hotel in Pristina promotion of the touristic video named “West Kosovo – at reach” was held.

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Besime Kajtazi spoke on behalf of the European Commission Liaison Office in Prishtina. “We are here today to mark the step forward in the project implementation from the first circle. West Kosovo received four projects in the field of tourism and agribusiness with 1,739,617 Euros out of total number of 19 projects and 7,4 million Euros for whole Kosovo.”

Mehdi Ratkoceri spoke on behalf of the Ministry for local self-government and Mehdi Mulaj from the Local Action Group in Peja spoke on behalf of the partners in the project. “The region that we promote today and where we come from needs diversification of the economic activities. Could tourism provide that? Why not! The more we are involved in this area of work the more we understand that the potentials are enormousand that achieving good results in tourism is really possible”, said Mulaj in his speech.     

“The promotion is only one of the results of this project, but very important one”, was stressed out at the event. “Tourism is a new opportunity for the region and we need to attract people to see its beauties. Also, we need to convince those from the region that all those beauties can bring additional income in their family budgets.”

The rest of the activities are oriented towards identification and development of local touristic products, development of capacities for tourism, promotion of the touristic potential of the region and improvement of the capacities of the sector complementary to the tourism.

The activities from the project target entrepreneurs and employees related to tourism as well as Local Action Groups in Peja, Decani, Klina and Istog. Also, the activities address foresters, farmers and construction companies whose activities may degrade the environment and ruin the touristic potential of the region as well as the citizens from the region who will benefit from the tourism in the future.

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“We don’t know a big part of our country and its beauties”, says moderator Sapahiu, “I believe that today’s promotion will confirm that. What you will see maybe will astonish you, maybe you will disbelief that all this beauties are in Kosovo, but certainly you will not be detached. You have in mind that all this is here, close – as the catchword of this campaign says West Kosovo – at reach!

The video was shot on several locations in West Kosovo. It was produced as a joint effort by Fabrika and Next Level. Today starts the broadcasting on TV stations in Kosovo.

The project is financed by the EU, managed by the European Commission Liaison Office in Pristina and implemented by the Macedonian Enterprise Development Foundation (MEDF) and its local partners – the Local Action Groups from Peja, Decani, Klina and Istog.